Monday, December 15, 2014

News For The Film Exodus God And Kings, Christian Bale, Ridley Scott, Adam Cooper And Bill Collage-Exodus Is The Home Run Of Christian Films

If  Ridley Scott announced he was filming three actors shopping at Costco, I'd pay for the ticket.

He is the greatest director of our time.  The same man who stunned us with an Apple commercial and upstaged the Super Bowl.

What's different about Ridley Scott?  He imagines the scenes and visualizes them in his mind while he's scouting locations.  His ability to do this is his greatest gift and this quality is what makes him the greatest Director of our time.

Exodus Gods and Kings isn't good, it's brilliant.  All the critics dumped on it but thank God critics don't determine box office success.  Most critics are too stupid to think through the eyes of the ticket buyer and once again they've been proven wrong.

When you beat a franchise as well done (and promoted) as the Hunger Games that's significant.

What Ridley Scott and actor Christian Bale as Moses have done is turned one of the greatest Bible stories into a brilliant adventure. Writers Adam Cooper and Bill Collage will now be in great demand in 2015 and beyond.

Congratulations to 20th Century Fox, Merry Christmas and Happy Hanukkah!

                                              written by Brad Richdale Author

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