Monday, August 15, 2011

Brad Richdale for: Brad Richdale Scam

I recently discussed the opportunity for someone to use video on a major social networking website and coincidentally just after I wrote my vicarious diatribe, Myspace announced that while on Myspace you can now watch TV. Huh!

Brilliant idea isn't it?  That's where the eyeballs are aren't they? Brad Richdale discussed this idea in the Brad Richdale Internet Yellow pages.   This is also available at Bing under Brad Richdale scam.

Myspace isn't the force it once was and it would take a miracle to bring their audience back, eyeballs and all. But the fact remains they have seen the future and the future is going to blow a hole into a lot of long standing, very successful franchises.  I wonder what they discuss in the ivory towers at ABC, CBS, NBC and FOX? Are they planning to change and migrate or just pretend there is nothing wrong....hmmmm.

Are they taking measures to adapt to what is more than a trend?  Or, are they twiddling their thumbs thinking that it's o.k., this FACEBOOK nonsense will subside?

We'll see but I'd bet on social media and the need to adapt very quickly or else your huge media franchise will soon be toast.

After all, a lot of companies sold horse feed until cars were invented.  I have a feeling that the entire world has changed and will remain focused on computer screens and hand held devices for some time to come.

Saddle up the ride is about to get bumpier for ABC, NBC, CBS, and FOX.

                                      written by Brad Richdale copyright 2011 all rights reserved
                                                 also reported at Brad Richdale Scam